The latest of our team profiles puts the spotlight on Will, one of our Senior Software Engineers.

Hi Will! What do you do at Medmont?

At Medmont I’m part of the team developing Medmont Studio, with work around image processing and research and development.

What do you like most about working at Medmont?

There’s a good balance between stretching into new areas and progressing personal development, against leveraging existing skillsets. There are always interesting problems to solve.

What were you doing career-wise before Medmont?

Developing software for biomedical instruments and internal platforms, and software for simulators, such as a Diving Supervisor Simulator and full-motion flight and driving simulators.

Which of your personal attributes contribute to your success at work?

I’m passionate about the things I enjoy, and that includes software and quality solutions. Being fairly easy going, I find I work well with a broad range of people across a team.

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Affable, inquisitive, quirky.

You recently started a book club at Medmont: what are you reading right now, what’s your favourite book of all time, what do you like most about reading—and, most importantly, book or movie first?

I do enjoy a good discussion; I feel it helps me get more out of the book, so I’ve founded a few book clubs over the years! I’ve just started vN by Canadian author Madeline Ashby about a robot girl who grows up in a mixed organic / synthetic family before things go bad.

If I was forced to pick an all-time favourite book, I’d probably find it hard to go past the Lord of the Rings. It’s a classic for a reason!

On the one hand, good characters and relationships can really forge an emotional connection with a book; on the other, I’ll find names and characters blurring with time and it’s the concepts and ideas that remain with me.  As for which first, I’ll often go the written word before the movie.

What’s your favourite way to spend a day off?

If I’m not curled up at home with a good book, then out catching science/tech lectures or soaking up a bit of culture in the form of a film festival, live music or a play.

Would you like to work at Medmont? Email to enquire about joining the team!